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Plasmid DNA Sequencing

  • Prepare plasmid DNA using QIAGEN or Bio-Rad Quantum minipreps kit. For the best result, it is crucial that the DNA template be clean and free of contaminants
  • Resuspended plasmid DNA in sterile ddH2O
  • Estimate plasmid DNA concentrations by running agarose gel adjacent to a DNA Marker with known amounts DNA. Since it is difficult to accurately estimate plasmid DNA concentration using a spectrophotometer, we recommend you sumit an agarose gel image with your plasmid DNA samples
  • 10µl plasmid DNA per reaction at the following concentrations should be submitted:

    Samples with Primer and Template Separated

    Template Type DNA Concentration DNA Volume Primer Concentration Primer Volume
    Plasmid 50-100 ng/µl 10 µl 3.2 µM 10 µl
    Cosmid 0.5-1 µg/µl 20 µl 3.2 µM 10 µl
    Fosmid 0.5-1 µg/µl 20 µl 3.2 µM 10 µl
    BAC 0.5-1 µg/µl 20 µl 3.2 µM 10 µl

    Samples with Primer and Template Mixed

    Template Type Amount of DNA Amount of Primer Volumn (DNA+Primer)
    Plasmid 500 ng 9 pmol 15 µl

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